What is Conservation?
While preservation involves the protection from human use of natural resources such as water, air, plants, minerals and wildlife, conservation involves not just the protection of natural resources. It also includes the sustainability of nature’s use by humans so that they can continue for generations in the future. Conservation involves the maintenance of diverse species and ecosystems, along with functions of the environment, such as nutrient cycling. Further, conservation works toward sustainable usage of nature by people for mining, logging or hunting. Preservation strives for preventing any kind of human exploitation of nature and the environment by maintaining ecosystems, diverse species.
Conservation is a term that implies an environment that is used, but it is protected by law against exploitation and any changes that would harm this environment. The natural resources and wildlife habitat are, thus, protected in such an area. This protection is extremely important because, without it, species can be overhunted and diminished to the point that they become extinct.
How do Conservations Function?
Conservation organizations strive to protect endangered species and wild environments, protect the air from pollution and keep waters clean and reduce climate change and ensure clean energy. They accomplish these goals by pressuring corporations and politicians to make sure communities are healthy and safe. One conservation group that is well-known is the Sierra Club. This organization protects endangered species and their environments. It also works to reduce climate change and protect communities from harmful water and other environmental dangers by pressuring corporations and politicians.
Under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA), more than 26,500 species have been estimated to be at risk of extinction, but the exact number is nearly impossible to calculate. Effectively making people aware of the dangers of extinction is essential to the retention of a species. Hopefully, the Endangered Species Act will and conservation policies and practices will help to save these animals. Because biodiversity loss is a global issue, many countries need to work together. Global frameworks for the protection of species and their habitats are effective. Organizations such as UNESCO have been developed to categorize and protect areas.UNESCO is a program that is responsible for the Biosphere Reserve. UNEP is responsible for global and environmental monitoring. Both of these are UN agencies.