Humans share the planet with thousands of animal species. They become endangered when people fail to protect the environment or engage in irresponsible behavior that puts animals at risk. There are many simple ways to help conserve habitats and protect animal species. 

Do Not Disturb Local Habitats

Whether enjoying time at a local park or performing chores in the yard, people often come across unusual holes or actual nests. Habitats might be in the branches of lower trees, in the shrubbery, or on the ground. Work around the location until the babies have matured and leave home. Uncovered chimneys and vents are other areas where adult animals might begin a family secondary to the warmth emitted by the space. Once the birds, squirrels, or other young have abandoned the spot, remove the nest and cover the opening to prevent further habitation. 

Interior Habitat Issues 

Sometimes, insects and small animals find a way into a home in order to escape the cold, precipitation, and wind. Cracks or holes in the eaves, the roof, or along a foundation might just be large enough for them to gain access into an attic or basement. Enlist the aid of a professional if necessary to remove the stowaways. Find and plug the opening using a permanent sealer. 

Consider Adoption

The World Wildlife Fund and other conservation organizations welcome donations that help protect various wildlife species or environments. Adopt a specific animal or species to aid in the effort to ensure their health and well-being. Volunteering personal time is another option. A number of organizations and zoos have programs that welcome individuals to help maintain environments, assist in animal rescues or take part in teaching visitors about conservation. 

Help Keep the Planet Clean

Stories concerning an animal trapped in some type of trash are becoming more common. An animal might get its head caught inside a discarded container, which prevents the ability to eat and drink. A limb or a wing might become entangled in some form of plastic, leaving them vulnerable to predation. Fish or other marine life often become entangled in trash carelessly thrown into inland waters or the ocean. Making sure to dispose of trash properly reduces the risk of animals becoming endangered.